Local Rides Information – updates pending
Local Rides Information
Fraser Coast has some great cycling opportunities –
Pialba to Urangan (Foreshore Shared Path and Links Corridor
(part of the Urban Rail Trail);
Dundowran to Burrum Heads, Torbanlea and Howard;
Various off-road tracks around the Fraser Coast region.

Mary2Bay Urban Rail Trail
A railway line which once brought life and transport between Pialba and Urangan is doing so again in its new role as the Mary2Bay Urban Rail Trail.
In the 1890’s the seaside village of Pialba became a mecca for weekend picnickers when the railway line was opened from Maryborough. In 1916 this line was extended to Urangan to service the new cargo wharf and several generations of holiday-makers visited the seaside on this train line. The line closed in recent times due to dwindling rail traffic – and now a portion of the rail corridor has been converted to a first class shared path between Elizabeth St and Old Maryborough Rd.
The corridor is popular with cyclists, walkers, scooters and others and with increasing vehicular traffic on Hervey Bay roads, provides very safe access to areas close to the beach between Elizabeth St and Main St.
© 2022 Fraser Coast Bicycle Users Group (FCBUG).
With Assistance from the SCC